Tapout knockout Jujitsu & MMA
If you want to train as a hobby/interest, for fitness or for self-defence, whatever your reasons we have you covered. Training classes are available in Jujitsu and Mixed Martial Arts
Train with 6th degree Jujitsu Black Belt Sensei Trevor Cunningham (Workington) and 4th degree Jujitsu Black Belts Sensei Michael Tedham (Carlisle) and Sensei Pat Carr (Workington). All have exceptional academic and competition achievements and a track record that consists of training total beginners and kids to multiple time champions in Jujitsu and MMA.
Train Mixed Martial Arts (MMA) where you will learn how to use strikes to set up takedowns, how to defend an opponent taking you down, wrestling against a cage, grappling with strikes and effective submissions.
Our MMA classes consist of pad work to develop technique, power and fitness, and light contact drills to develop timing, accuracy and rhythm along with controlled sparring
Learn Jujitsu - the gentle yet arguably most effective martial art. Learn how to control an opponent from both top and bottom ground positions, along with submissions, throws and takedowns from various situations.
Learn Self Defence
Gain Confidence
Next Level Fitness
Fun and Friendly Atmosphere
Everybody Welcome
Any Level of Fitness or Experience
Our MMA classes are friendly, fun and welcoming. We welcome anyone and everyone over the age of 16 with any level of fitness.
Coaches & Senseis
Our expert coaching team have exceptional academic and competition achievements.
Last updated: 23rd, June, 2024
Brad Tedham
CoachBrown Belt JujitsuWhether you are looking to step into the cage, get in the best shape of your life, or simply improve your overall wellness, Brad Tedham is the personal trainer, MMA coach, and fighter who will lead you on your journey to success. -
Last updated: 23rd, June, 2024
Pat Carr
Sensei and CoachJujitsu Black Belt 3th DanSensei Pat Carr is a distinguished martial artist and a true legend in the world of combat sports. With a remarkable 4th Dan Jujitsu Black Belt and over 35 years of martial arts experience, honing his skills and knowledge in the martial arts arena. He has risen to extraordinary heights in the combat sports world. -
Last updated: 2nd, November, 2023
Trevor Cunningham
Sensei and CoachBlack Belt 6th Dan JujitsuSensei Trevor Cunninghams dedication, expertise, and unwavering commitment to the world of martial arts make him a true luminary in his field. His impact on the lives of his students and his contributions to the martial arts community continue to inspire and set a standard of excellence for generations to come. -
Last updated: 1st, November, 2023
Michael Tedham
Sensei and CoachBlack Belt 4th Dan JujitsuSensei Michael Tedham is a highly respected martial artist with a remarkable 4th Dan Jujitsu Black belt, showcasing his unwavering dedication and expertise in the world of martial arts. With an impressive career spanning over four decades. -
Last updated: 1st, November, 2023
Connor Tedham
CoachBrown Belt JujitsuWith a relentless work ethic and an unwavering passion for the sport, he has climbed the ranks to become a respected figure in the MMA community. His impressive skill set and dedication to continuous improvement have earned him recognition both inside and outside the cage. -
Last updated: 1st, November, 2023
Maciej Marszałek
CoachPurple Belt JujitsuMaciej Marszałek has earned recognition as an outstanding wrestling coach. His extensive knowledge of the sport, coupled with his ability to mentor and inspire aspiring athletes, has led to the development of numerous successful MMA athletes under his tutelage. -